Who We Are
The counseling program at IWU is dedicated to training and mentoring high-quality professionals to competently work within their area of specialization, with culturally diverse populations and with an integrated understanding of Christian faith in professional practice. Our desire is to empower our students to change the world one person at a time through the avenue of the Graduate Counseling Clinics where they can work with you toward wellness. At the IWU Graduate Counseling Clinics, you can expect affordable quality counseling services and counselors who advocate for each person who walks through the clinic doors and collaborate to reach the root of the presenting issues.
Our Goal
To provide affordable quality counseling services to our communities in a way that advocates for our clients while reaching the heart of the issues presented by the client.
Our Counselors
Services are provided by counseling Master’s students under supervision of licensed mental health professionals.
We are Here to Help Build:
Successful individuals
Stronger families
Stronger relationships
Through Counseling for:
Anxiety and depression
Marriage and relationship issues
Parenting support
Family counseling
Spiritual direction
Counseling Facts
Offered at a low cost
Available to any member of the community
Facilitated by students during their practicum/internship (supervised by licensed faculty)
Services are offered in Indianapolis and Marion, Indiana
Let’s Get Started.
We strive for clients to have their first appointment within one week of initial contact with the clinic.